How to Milk a Cow? What Should Be Considered?
Milk production is a fundamental sector in livestock farming and an important source of income, as well as a crucial source of nutrition for society. The foundation of milk production is cow milking. Proper, scientific, and hygienic milking procedures are vital for public health and the care of dairy cattle.
In this article, we will focus on the procedures and points to consider during cow milking.
Hygiene is a crucial element in dairy cattle milk production. Typically, the udder of a cow is free of microbes. Contamination of milk with microbes occurs during and/or after milking. Although it is not possible to prevent bacteria from contaminating milk, adhering to hygiene and milking practices can keep the bacterial count below 20,000 bacteria/ml. According to the European Union (EU) milk hygiene regulations, the bacterial count in 1 ml of milk should not exceed 100,000. The Turkish Food Codex currently in force in our country also adheres to values close to those set by the EU.
Ensuring that the milking cow is healthy and adhering to milking and hygiene rules are essential for producing high-quality and standard-compliant milk.
Three fundamental rules must be followed in cow milking.
Things to Consider Before and During Cow Milking
Points to consider for high yield and desired quality milk production during cow milking.
1) Cleanliness and Maintenance of the Environment and Equipment for Cow Milking
The maintenance and cleanliness of the milking equipment are essential for producing high-quality and standard-compliant milk. The milking machine should be washed and rinsed with alkaline cleaners after each milking and with acidic cleaners weekly. If the machine is not cleaned and maintained properly, specialized brushes should be used for necessary procedures. Parts of the machine that need replacement should be changed within the specified lifespan or usage period. Before starting milking, the teats and the milking bucket should be rinsed with water. During milking, disinfecting and rinsing between cows can help minimize cross-contamination.
2) Mammary Inspection and Milking Hygiene in Cattle
For high-quality milk production, hygiene and cattle care are crucial. Milk with a high bacterial count will be of low quality and can cause issues during the processing stage. Before milking, if the teats are very dirty, they can be washed. However, teats that are not excessively dirty should not be washed. For teat cleaning, teats should be dipped in a disinfectant before attaching the milking machine. The solutions used for pre-milking disinfection kill bacteria within 30 seconds. Dirt on the teats softened by the disinfectant will be removed when the moist teat skin is wiped. This reduces the number of bacteria that mix with the milk. This process also stimulates the teats, helping with milk let-down. Washed teats must be thoroughly dried before milking begins.
3) Preparing the Cow for Milking and Milking the Cow
Before starting the milking process, both the cow and the milker must be properly prepared. Milking hygiene and the quality of the milk are closely related to the person performing the milking. The milker should pay special attention to hand hygiene before and during the process.
Stress factors in the milking parlor should be eliminated before milking begins, as stress can negatively affect milk let-down. Major stress factors in milking parlors include:
Flies in the environment,
Slippery flooring,
Inadequate ventilation,
Excessive noise,
Overcrowding of cows in the milking parlor.
It is very beneficial to take 3-4 squirts of pre-milk from each teat before milking. This helps to easily identify new clinical mastitis and allows for early detection of possible clinical mastitis. Additionally, this procedure helps to stimulate milk let-down. This step should be performed before washing and drying the teats. Remember that the effectiveness of this method decreases after the teats are washed. This procedure can reduce mastitis by 7-18%.
Once milking has begun, the milking units should be attached and milking should start as soon as possible. Important points to consider at this stage include:
Ensure that the milking units are correctly attached,
The vacuum switch on non-automatic milking units should be turned off before removing the units.
Post-Milking Procedures
Pre-milking and milking procedures are as important as post-milking procedures. The first action after milking should be to clean the teat ends. For this, the teats should be dipped in a disinfectant.
After the cows leave the milking parlor, the area should be cleaned of manure, and the milking parlor should be cleaned thoroughly.
Cows should be kept standing after milking. Feeding the cows after milking can help keep them standing. The teat ends are still open after milking, so bacteria can enter through them. Using barrier-forming substances to close the teats can prevent this issue.
Proper and hygienic milking directly affects milk quality and cow welfare. By following the procedures and points discussed in this article, you can ensure healthy and efficient milk production.
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